Saturday, February 5, 2011

Refrigerator Blueprints

La rete nella città, la città nelle reti

Questo articolo è stato pubblicato sull'ultimo numero di Multiverso, rivista edita da Forum Editrice , dedicato al tema del link. Il mio articolo lo potete leggere qui, ma la rivista merita di essere acquistata non fosse altro che per la bellissima impostazione grafica curata da Susi Grion e Laura Morandini di CDM associati

La rete nella città, la città nelle reti.
Gli ecosistemi urbani sono costituiti dalle relazioni che gli abitanti stabiliscono tra loro e con il contesto. L’ecosistema è, in altre parole, l’interconnessione di individui, luoghi, infrastrutture, strutture e istituzioni. Qualunque sia il livello di coinvolgimento sociale, vale a dire il modo in cui si partecipa alle fate of the community, has always been part of a network of relationships. We live in the real world, in which the bodies move through, the senses are stimulated and meetings open up new possibilities of relationship. In this world you love, hate, shaking walls and build friendships. In these places there is bound to the fate of the planet and you are involved, it is part of a network system in which everyone is influenced by the decisions of others. Unpredictable events that occur locally, they are individual decisions or unexpected coincidence, also have an impact at a considerable distance, both geographical and temporal. The network of urban life is thus a complex system, in which the relation of cause and effect establishes itself in a specific space and time. Previous events does not tell us much about what is happening, it should instead identify the structures and policies of the system.

Taking off in the city, full of people and not just manufactured goods: up to now has been subject to planning and considered as a linear system made of simple functions and identifiable - live, work, recreation -; on this basis is scheduled , that is organized in function and image development. Its projection into the future has always been considered in growth because the reduction in industrial society, the taking or decrease are considered negative. In citizens entering this organization as a quantitative variable that can perform a function at a time, always predictable and always organized. We will have workers, students, people who go to the movies, the customers of shopping malls, residents of a certain road, then the general categories: men, women, youth and the elderly. Such a reading, cold, founded on a culture still strictly deterministic, does not deal with specific conditions, but tends to find the general and generalizable. From these generalizations, over the years, we have developed a technique of urban management has dealt with separately, a problem at a time. Specialists in traffic, energy, of the green, residential areas are concentrated, from time to time, for certain improvement goals, without dealing with the consequences. Thus, the solution of a problem also determines areas of economic and social decline.

Today the urban transformation takes place in a very short time, two to five years, leading to dissolve in a moment situations stratified in decades or centuries earlier. In general, the predictions of the plan aim to achieve certain objectives, adjusting the amount constructible, and do not consider the chain of consequences that may ensue. For example, the establishment of contemporary people in the new suburbs, or in central areas renovated does not give time to the structuring of the ecosystem, to the stratification of relationships that are its resilient capacity. Social relationships need a lot of time to establish themselves as just a minute to dissolve. In this light, the city now is more the result of errors and simplifications sommatesi in previous decades, the product of far-sighted planning policies.
It comes as the sum of parts, buildings, groups of buildings and areas of an organization born from the schematic functional rigid, that the close relation to the surrounding context. Are technically efficient in performing their function for a period of time definito – ad esempio l’orario di apertura dei negozi, per i centri commerciali, o le ore di vita domestica, per le aree residenziali – ma, dato che queste parti nascono con proprie regole interne di funzionamento e crescita, non possono rispondere a domande e aspettative della città nel suo complesso. La tecnica progettuale si concentra sui singoli interventi di ‘sviluppo immobiliare’ (development) e determina, negli spazi confinanti, una condizione indefinita in cui si subiscono solo gli aspetti negativi di impatto, quali il traffico, l’inquinamento, il rumore, la mancanza di sole.

Tutti gli interventi recenti si caratterizzano per l’assenza di relazione con il contesto, l’incapacità di accogliere cittadini imprevisti – cioè fuori dalle categorie previste – e funzioni non contemplate. Questa organizzazione riduce drasticamente la ridondanza funzionale, che è uno dei presupposti vitali degli ecosistemi; elimina, cioè, la compresenza di più figure e più spazi che possano assicurare la stessa funzione. La pianificazione della città esclude la ridondanza, considerandola inutile, non efficiente. Ci si rifiuta di ammettere nella città contemporanea attività non pianificate, per paura che queste portino all’inceppamento del funzionamento stabilito. L’ecosistema città, privato dell’abbondanza, della distribuzione, delle differenze, accessibility, cooperation, no longer lives, it resists. Rigidity resists entering the system, creating a growing imperviousness to information flows and flows of people, depriving them of what constitutes the vital element. A city designed strictly harnesses the efforts of individuals to use spaces in different ways and block new forms of self-organization. Its capacity to act on its own as a community space has been delegated to the experts, politicians, groups who wield economic power. Who built the city now, who has the capital and who has decision-making power is concentrated on the object, on the property commodity, is driven by the economic plan that calculates the return on investment. The cities are rebuilt by canceling the first, without providing for the later, without ever having a case of contextual relationship with timely and very quick actions that do not involve the consequences.

Shopping malls, business centers, residential areas, sports centers, health centers and then school campus, university, hospital, health center, museum complex, polo prison: the topography of the contemporary city seems obsessed with concentration in areas defined and specialize in one function at a time. These centers are born with a sort of explosion, a big bang urban disseminates monofunctional fragments on an ever larger area. From a semantic point of view, the center makes sense if it manages to attract around in its orbit, but also from a planning point of view, the center should be a point of attraction and concentration of different functions, can to be at the regional scale as the place to find many more things, which meet the widest variety of individuals.
The vision of those who now determine the structure of our cities is synthetic, it works to cut, that restricts, confines, ends. Instead, we would need a simultaneous vision, understanding, able to go beyond the symptoms and the causes, and the need and purpose, you should understand the nature of what is happening and act simultaneously, taking into play the complexity of a thousand planes where does the logic of exclusionary 'and this and that'. From the science of networks comes to us this possibility to reason about interactions, about what happens between this and that, where 'this and that' not the beginning and end at the ends of a linear process, but aspects of the circularity in which they act continuous feedback. Thinking in terms of network, objectives are not achieved, since there is no need for a time limit in which to finish, rather than shed the processes that lead to action. But who is called to action? Market forces, led by financial capitalism marked by speculation, claiming the role of guiding the development of the city, and in fact through the exercise specialists and political figures who are able to create rules aimed at achieving the objectives market. But market goals and pleasant urban spaces are almost never coincide, any intervention should be only in the direction of creating a profit tends to undermine the vitality of the ecosystem city.
The city now requires a total reconstruction, not in the sense of the artefacts, as a social re-invention that gives active role ai cittadini e li spinga a una presa di responsabilità, a sentirsi responsabili in prima persona dello spazio pubblico e dei beni comuni. Per uscire dalla logica del vano abitato, della merce del mercato immobiliare, e affrontare dinamicamente l’uso degli spazi, dal domestico all’urbano, bisogna spostare l’attenzione dalla parte al tutto, dalla conoscenza dell’oggetto alla conoscenza del contesto.

Gli ambienti fisici, sociali, culturali, tecnici, non sono fissi; non servono strutture rigide, la costruzione dello spazio fisico è oggi, forse, quella meno necessaria. Non c’è bisogno di nuovi muri, di volumi; ciò che occorre è la re-invenzione degli usi, need to reactivate all the local forces, in terms of intelligence and creativity to make the city alive. For example, in the cultural field, does not operate a policy that builds museums, technical spaces, specialized, rigid, and then lost interest in their operation. The exhibition space makes sense if the conditions exist to stimulate and continuous renewal of the common cultural heritage. It's time to start thinking about a way to build lightweight, temporary, flexible, non-invasive. This is the meaning of the network infrastructure will not be bound to a single rigid, but being screened in total connection, which covers all fields and organize all the local productions.


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